‘Blood Fury’ [Black-Dagger Legacy #3] by: @JRWard1 (1/9/18) …

‘Blood Fury’ [Black-Dagger Legacy #3] by: @JRWard1 (1/9/18) “Novo, a resilient survivor who is a bit rough around the edges, has overcome a great deal, including her intense attraction to suave, aristocratic Peyton, with whom she has shared a passionate physical connection. But when Peyton finally admits his true feelings for Novo, she rejects him for a more stable Male. Now they must train in close quarters & eventually confront the feelings they still … !”

Source: janjoslyn

The post ‘Blood Fury’ [Black-Dagger Legacy #3] by: @JRWard1 (1/9/18) … appeared first on Wrestling Is Fun!.

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