1870-CC The first coins to bear the distinguishing “CC” mintmark of the Carson City, Nevada Mint were struck in 1870. Featured were quarters, half dollars, silver dollars, half eagles, eagles, and double eagles (the first dimes would be forthcoming in 1871). All 1870-CC issues are rare, key-date coins in their respective series, but the ’70-CC double eagle stands out as a particularly central issue even in this highly select group. Rivaling only the 1870-CC eagle for this honor, the 1870-CC $20 is widely regarded as the rarest gold coin struck in the Carson City Mint. It is an important offering at all grade levels and one that is always greeted with considerable fanfare of approval when offered either through auction or for private treaty purchase. Treasury Department records indicate that only 3,789 double eagles were struck in Carson City during 1870, and most of those coins have since been lost. Writing in 2001 (Gold Coins of the Carson City Mint), Douglas Winter and James L. Halp...